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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Testimonial Nutriferon


Clinically tested, natural interferon booster*

 Targeted, specific immune nourishment to enhance the production of natural interferon*

 A Shaklee exclusive, NutriFeron is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. Taken daily, NutriFeron strengthens immune response by boosting the body’s natural interferon.*

  •   Our immune systems are under increasing attack, every day.
  •   The scientific and medical communities have identified interferon as critical to healthy immune function.
  •   Dr. Kojima, the world renowned immunologist who discovered interferon in 1954, spent 40 years searching for a natural interferon booster.
  • The result of Dr. Kojima's work is the proprietary botanical blend in NutriFeron, the ONLY dietary supplement in the U.S. created by the discoverer of interferon that naturally increases the production of interferon in the body.*
  •   The formula for NutriFeron is proven by four published human clinical studies.
  •   Only Shaklee has the exclusive worldwide marketing rights to this patented formula for human dietary supplement use.

 Our bodies make three distinct types of interferon. These three types are called alpha, beta, and gamma interferon. A different type of white cell in our bodies produces each type of interferon present in our bodies. For example,
Alpha Interferon has been found effective against chronic hepatitis B, a major cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis, as well as for treatment of genital warts and some more rare cancers of blood and bone marrow. Beta Interferon is used to treat multiple sclerosis.
Gamma Interferon is generally used for blood disorders.
These forms of interferon are only available separately and only with a prescription.
Nutriferon increases the body's natural production of all three types naturally.

Here are some amazing testimonials that some folks who are using this great product are reporting.

Testimoni 1 :
One of my customers who takes the shelf was told by her doctor last year that he was going to have to remove a 5.5 Cm Fibroid tumor, it had gone from 3.5 and he didn't want it to get any larger. However, this lady owns a large company and she didn't have time to take off. So she began taking 12 to 15 NutriFeron a day and in 90 days the tumor has gone down to 1.5. Her doctor told her it had never been that small in the several years. She had a tumor on her Pancreas that they had been watching for 12 years and it began to grow last year so she went in for a sonogram to prepare for surgery on that. While in the examining room the radiologist asked her what procedure she had been through to remove the tumor and she told him none. He said there was no tumor. Then she went back to see her Gastroenteritis who is a personal friend and he said "MA what have you done?" She told him about the NutriFeron and he told her to bring him more information. So here is a lady who was scheduled for two desperately needed surgeries and NutriFeron came to the rescue.
About 4 bottles a month seems to do the job.

Testimoni 2 :
In 2002, a customer, age 82, came to me after just being diagnosed with double breast cancer. The doctors recommended a double mastectomy, but she and her husband decided against it, and she took chemotherapy and radiation. I gave her the list of supplements as recommended by an M.D. (Linda Rodriguez) and Ph.D. (Sandra Bevaqua) in Shaklee, and she began to follow that regimen. The regimen included two or more NutriFeron daily. After one year of treatment and her Shaklee regimen, she was declared cancer-free. In January 2008 she celebrated her 88th birthday, and is going strong.

Testimoni 3 :
In March 2004, Mary, age 68, was told she had three to six months to live after enduring seven years of colon cancer treatment. She began a Shaklee regimen including two NutriFeron daily. Three weeks after she began she called me to tell me that her CEA test results [CEA stands for Carcinoembryonic Antigen blood test—a test that screens for a protein that indicates the presence of cancer] had gone from 17 down to 11, and she was ecstatic. This was the first time there was a decrease since she had been in treatment. I received Mary’s call while attending a Shaklee gathering, and a Shaklee Master Coordinator suggested she might try four to six a day. I relayed the suggestion to Mary and she upped the amount. She continued to thrive, and her scans revealed a reduction in the size and number of tumors in her body. So within six months she packed her bags and took a two month trip to Italy. Mary ultimately took 15 NutriFeron a day and I think she still does. In May 2007, when she went back to the hospital that had dismissed her to die, the surgeon told her she should have been dead in 2004; however, she was cancer-free, and he sent her home to live.

Testimoni 4 :
In 2004, another 70+ lady came to me with Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis of the Liver and the prognosis of three to six months to live. She had been in treatment for 40 years. As of January 2008, having taken VitaLea Gold, Liver DTX, NutriFeron, and a small amount of Energizing Soy Protein, she has been declared well enough to not need blood tests every three months. She recently celebrated by 80th birthday with a two month trip. She takes four to six NutriFeron a day.

Testimoni 5 :
Another customer had a 5.5 centimeter fibroid tumor. Her doctor scheduled her for surgery and she asked for 90 days to get her business in order. She added extra NutriFeron to her regimen or a total of 12 per day, and two months later the tumor had shrunk to 1.5 centimeters. She also had a tumor on her pancreas that the doctor had been watching for a couple of years. When that scan was completed there was no tumor. Basically, she has avoided two major surgeries in the past year. She has been taking a full regimen of Shaklee nutrition for several years.

Testimoni 6 :
Two customers are ex-drug addicts who had Hepatitis C, and took NutriFeron, Liver DTX, Vita Lea and Energizing Soy Protein. The last time I talked to them, their liver enzymes were normal.

Testimoni 7 :
A retired doctor who has had heart surgery and cancer began taking Shaklee Basics in 1992 and switched to Vitalizer in September 2007. The cancer became a concern again last year, and in December 07 he began taking NutriFeron. In February 2008, he reported that he had recently had a PET scan and he was in very good condition. He even looks much better.

Testimoni 8 :
Another customer, age 70+, began taking NutriFeron at his doctor’s suggestion. He has congestive heart problems. He called after a month on NutriFeron and was so excited about the energy he has since he began taking it in May 2007.

Testimoni 9 :
I have an older friend that has Chronic Lymphcytic Leukemia. There are two types - B cell, which is slow growing and T cell which grows faster. There is treatment for the slower, that puts it in remission. But there is no treatment that works well for T cell. Alvin has the T cell. I have been taking him to the cancer specialist since spring. Every two months at his appointment, his white count had risen. At one of the latter appontments I asked the doctor if interferon was ever used to help stop the disease. He said that's an interesting thought. So I pulled out my pamhlet on Nutiferon. He said that it wouldn't hurt to try. Alvin has taken 3 Nutiferon and 3 Vita C each day for two months. At his last appointment the doctor was amazed. Alvin's blood levels greatly improved. The doctor said they were right back to where he wanted them. And to keep doing what he was doing and extended his appointments to every three months. We are just thrilled. If you see these results for this type of cancer, maybe other types too?

Testimoni 10 :
A few days after returning from Chicago, my Aunt Gerry was diagnosed with pneumonia. She is 86 years old and living in a nursing home. The doctor insisted on a shot of antibiotic followed by oral antibiotics. I said no, let's try this first (I am her power of attorney). I had my bottle of NutriFeron™ from the Conference and I also added CorEnergy. In both cases two, twice a day. I told the staff the product takes 3 days to load. I showed them the clinical trial material. She did not get worse. And by the 5th day, she no longer had pneumonia.
There is resistance by the medical team to attribute the products to her recovery, saying some residents recover who take nothing, some done recover even with the antibiotics. But I know my Aunt Gerry. She has no other health problems and I witnessed her recovery!

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April promotion dah tiba...
Khas untuk anda yang sering sakit dan ingin meningkatkan imunisasi tubuh!!!
Hanya untuk bulan ini..Buy 6 free 1.. Kalau tak promo harga 1 box RM181.25tau..
Haa..cube kire dah jimat bape RM kalau beli time promo ni..

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